Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Beta Blogger template for anniversary.

It is being now two years since I started with blogging. StockWeb is my first blog and would still call it as a flagship blog. Recently I begun new financial related blog which is dedicated only to emerging markets and is called Emerging Index.

Blogger template which I had been using was built just by me from scratch. Up to now at StockWeb I made only small adjustments to this template but finally I have decided to switch to new blogspot template. After 2 years. Today I uploaded this new template which you can see right now. I hope it will be easy to use and navigate though the blogsite.

Another milestone in my blogging experience was one year ago when I discovered INO. INO offers interesting tools for traders and investors. Here I list the most useful which you can try:

1. Get Analysis for your tickers. Here you can type as much tickers as you wish and you will receive via email analysis for all selected stocks. No limitations it is for free.
Click Here

2. Have a look for example at Market commentary feature. After accessing the page you can see latest headlines. At the left side bar you have box for free subscription. If you subscribe you'll receive daily for free only top market analysis via email.

Check it out here:

3. Another product is INO TV. After signing up you can receive 4 free trading seminars about investing.

INO also offers affiliate program for bloggers. If you are interested in trying this program you can use this link for signing up. I am here to answer all your questions and help you with set up and optimization.


3 Responses to "New Beta Blogger template for anniversary."

StockKevin said... July 6, 2009 at 6:01 AM

Ahh. I like this new layout.

Vlada, Czech Republic said... July 6, 2009 at 8:44 AM

Thank you Kevin.

tommyu said... August 21, 2009 at 4:56 AM

nice presentation easy to use clean navigation thanks