Monday, January 19, 2009

Total sum of bailouts - $8.5 trillion.

The total volume of all the measures and plans to support the U.S. economy and to combat the financial crisis at the moment is growing in total about 8.5 trillion dollars.

Here is at least a partial list of major items and their ranking at the time.

Among the first measures to promote the economy include a plan to reduce the tax burden from February 2008, comprising in total approximately $168 bln. Bunch of bail out supports came after a September storm, rescue Bear Stearns in volume $29 bln, taking over mortgage giants Fannie May and Freddie Mac estimated at $200 bln, rescue AIG and Citigroup so far estimated at $152.5 or $325 bln, adoption of $700 bln TARP plan, and promised to help the automotive sector in the volume of about $23 bln at the end of the year 2008.

Meanwhile, the Fed bail outs account $600 bln support for the money market, $1,4 trillion program for the market of corporate bonds and $200 bln program to purchases of securities derived from consumer loans, $500 bln program to purchases of mortgage papers, and finally $100 bln plan for the purchase of debts of previously mentioned mortgage duo Fannie May and Freddie Mac.

Together with other expenses, the total account has climbed to around 8.5 trillion dollars. There is already new potential packages from new President Obama at around $775 bln.


1 Response to "Total sum of bailouts - $8.5 trillion."

Anonymous said... December 18, 2009 at 10:51 PM

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Wanna hear your opinion