For those who like dividend stocks I have run my screener for all 500 companies in index S&P 500 with dividend yield 5 or higher. Currently 37 companies matching this criteria.
On top of the rank is time Time Warner Cable (TWC) with incredible yield of 72%. The number doesn't describe the real picture after separation and dividend spin-off with Time Warner Inc (TWX). More information at Time Warner homepage.
Other two positions come from Financial sector. American International group (AIG) and MBIA Inc (MBI) with 56% yield respectively 37% yield. For this extremely high yields you take risks of dividend cuts and high volatility of shares. On the other hand both companies faced in short-term significant pullback and are traded near short-term lows.
First company with "normal" dividend yield is traditionally from Telco, Frontier Communications Corporation (FTR), with 12%.
Eastman Kodak (EK) is last company with yield above 10%. Current dividend yield ratio is 11%.
The best investments for year 2010
Please keep in mind that all recommendations and analysis published at StockWeb are provided for information and reflect personal opinion of author. Any trades or investments are committed at your own risk.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
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MBIA is NOT currently paying a dividend on its common stock
Hello Kevin,
thank you for correction. Could you please post once again the link you have sent me via email? Because it doesn't work. Thanks
The press release announcing that MBIA eliminated its quarterly common stock dividend can be found here:
Thank you Kevin