I already posted some articles focused on assets classes correlation like the one about correlation between commodities and equities. It shows correlation coefficient for precious metals commodities (gold, silver,platinum), crude oil and major US equity indices (S&P 500, DJIA).
Correlation analysis is key factor for successful portfolio diversification. Positive correlation means that the prices of shares or ETFs move up or down together. They will probably be impacted in similar way.
If the prices of shares or ETFs move in different directions we call it negative correlation. In this case we achieve high degree of diversification.
There is one useful website where you can do analysis asset correlations by using ETF. It has matrix for countries, sectors or bonds. Another interesting function is correlation over time where you can check the development of correlation coefficient for two tickers.
The best investments for year 2010
Please keep in mind that all recommendations and analysis published at StockWeb are provided for information and reflect personal opinion of author. Any trades or investments are committed at your own risk.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
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